How do I install plugins on a CSGO server?

Installing plugins on a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) server can significantly enhance the gaming experience by adding new features or modifying existing ones. This guide will walk you through the process of installing plugins on a CS:GO server.

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Step 1: Accessing Your Server

Before installing any plugins, you need access to your server's files. This can using FTP or the file manager in our control panel.

Step 2: Choosing the Right Plugin

There are many plugins available for CS:GO servers, each offering different functionalities. Popular sources for plugins include AlliedModders and Sourcemod. Choose plugins that best suit your server’s needs. Be sure to download plugins from reputable sources to avoid security risks.

Step 3: Installing SourceMod and MetaMod

Most CS:GO plugins require SourceMod and MetaMod. These are modding platforms that provide the necessary tools and interfaces for plugins to work.

Download SourceMod and MetaMod: Visit their respective websites and download the latest versions.
Upload to Server: Use FTP or your control panel to upload the downloaded files to your server. They should be placed in the csgo directory, typically found under `.../csgo folder.
Extract Files: Extract the files directly into the csgo directory. The correct file structure is crucial for them to work.

Step 4: Installing Plugins

Download the Plugin: Choose the plugin you want to install and download it.
Upload Plugin Files: Upload the plugin files (usually .smx files) to the addons/sourcemod/plugins directory in your server's file system.
Check Dependencies: Some plugins may require additional configuration files or dependencies. Make sure these are also uploaded to the correct directories.

Step 5: Configuring Plugins

After installing a plugin, you may need to configure it:

Locate Configuration Files: Configuration files are usually located in addons/sourcemod/configs.
Edit Configurations: Open the configuration files with a text editor and adjust settings as needed. This step varies greatly depending on the plugin.

Step 6: Restarting the Server

Once you have installed and configured your plugins, restart your CS:GO server to apply the changes. This can usually be done through your server control panel or by using server commands.

Step 7: Testing the Plugins

After restarting the server, join as a player to test the plugins. Ensure they are working as expected and are not causing conflicts or issues.


If a plugin isn't working:
- Check if you have the latest versions of SourceMod, MetaMod, and the plugin.
- Ensure the file structure in your server's directories is correct.
- Look for error messages in the server console, which can provide clues about what's wrong.


Installing plugins on a CS:GO server can be a straightforward process if done correctly. It allows server administrators to customize their servers, enhance gameplay, and provide a unique experience for players. Always remember to back up your server files before making changes, and keep your plugins updated for the best performance and security.

Updated on: 14/01/2024

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